LTL3 Tools
General information:
The LTL3 tools are a collection of programs that
convert a given LTL
formula into a Moore-type finite-state machine (FSM), which can be
used as a monitor for that formula. It uses techniques known from the
area of runtime
verification. The semantics of the FSM is explained in greater
detail in the papers linked to below.
This software is released under the terms of the GNU General
Public License. For more information, see the README and COPYING
documents provided with the LTL3 tools.
To allow maximum flexibility, the LTL3 tools consist of
a number of independent programs for manipulating LTL formulae and
automata, which can be combined in different ways. Note that although
the LTL3 tools process SPIN/Promela never
claims, the tools have really been optimised to only work with the
ones generated by LTL2BA. This
may change in future versions of the tools.
Currently, the LTL3 tools consist of:
- extractalphabet: takes as input a formula, and
returns the alphabet of the corresponding Büchi automaton as a
comma-separated string.
- formulatosymbols: takes as input a formula and
prints the corresponding symbol table (alphabet) in AT&T's
fsmlibrary format.
- fsmcrossprod: takes as input two files
representing deterministic finite-state machines in AT&T's
fsmlibrary format, and one string representing an input alphabet,
and prints the product of the state machines.
- nevertofsm: takes as input a SPIN never-claim
representing a nondeterministic Büchi automaton (generated by
LTL2BA), and one string representing an input alphabet, and prints
the corresponding state-machine in AT&T's fsmlibrary
- ltl2mon: a wrapper shell script around the above
programs which takes as input an LTL formula, and prints a
corresponding 3-valued/coloured monitor for it.
Formulas can be built according to the following grammar. (Note
the somewhat peculiar use of "!" as negation with a space between.)
φ ::= s | ( φ ) | (! φ) | φ && φ | φ || φ
| φ -> φ | φ <-> φ
| [] φ | <> φ | X φ | φ U φ | φ V φ
where s is an alphanumeric string. For example, you can use
ltl2mon like this:
Example 1: Creating a monitor for the requirement "don't spawn
threads until initialisation has finished!"
The most straightforward use of the LTL3 tools would be as follows,
via the ltl2mon shell script.
$ ./ltl2mon "(! spawn) U init" | dot -Tps >
which results in
This is the transition table of the FSM, where red states are "bad
states" (i.e., the formula was violated), green "good states" (i.e., the
formula was satisfied), and yellow "inconclusive states" (i.e., the
formula was neither satisfied nor violated).
You can easily make up your own functionality by combining the
LTL3 tools with others. For example, LTL2BA produces by
default only a never-claim. To get a corresponding dot-output, you
could use these straightforward commands:
Example 2: Visualising LTL2BA's output / a SPIN never-claim.
$ ./third-party/ltl2ba -f "a U b" | ./bin/nevertofsm -a `exec ./bin/extractalphabet "a U b"` > nba.txt
$ ./bin/formulatosymbols "a U b" > nba-symbols.syms
$ ./third-party/fsmcompile -i nba-symbols.syms nba.txt > nba.fsm
$ ./third-party/fsmdraw -i nba-symbols.syms nba.fsm | dotty -
This results in:
For further use cases and examples, consult the ltl2mon
file and the --help options of the corresponding programs.
Downloadable archive:
The LTL3 tools are available as Ocaml source code and
as statically linked binaries (Linux-i686 only) both in one
For installation instructions, read the accompanying README and take a look
inside ltl2mon.
Latest source code:
You can check out the latest version of the source code via the
following instruction set:
git clone
Alternatively, you can only browse
the Github repository via a web-interface. To see what's new,
consult the NEWS
file, or read the detailed ChangeLog.
Required software:
Although the LTL3 tools do not directly depend on
third-party software, they are intended to be used in combination with
the following programs:
You are strongly encouraged to download and install these (i.e.,
copy the binaries to a location where you and/or ltl2mon can
find them, by default this is inside the third-party
directory) if you want to use the LTL3 tools in the way
intended. Perhaps like me, you may also find the following programs
useful in connection with the LTL3 tools:
- Graphviz, AT&T's graph library (includes the programs dot, dotty, etc.) [see example above]
- dot2tex to convert ltl2mon's output straight into LaTeX.
The LTL3 tools are based on the following research
papers that also describe the semantics of the generated state machine
in more detail.
- Andreas Bauer, Martin Leucker, and Christian Schallhart.
Runtime Verification for LTL and TLTL.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology,
20(4):14, 2011.
- Andreas Bauer, Martin Leucker, and Christian Schallhart.
Monitoring of real-time properties.
In S. Arun-Kumar and N. Garg, editors, Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Foundations of
Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS),
volume 4337 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
pages 261-273.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,
December 2006.
The source code of the LTL3 tools is released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License.
Copyright © 2008-2018 by Andreas Bauer. All rights reserved.